How To: Write Your Speech

Okay, we lied – planning the bridal shower isn’t the most stressful part about being maid of honor…it’s writing the toast! Rest assured we’ve got you covered to make sure there are no awkward silences while you’re giving your speech.

1. Keep Calm

Whether you’re not so much with the words or you have stage fright, don’t sweat it.  Everything is going to be fine.  Really, we promise!


2. Give yourself some time


Don’t leave this to the last minute…seriously, don’t do it.  You don’t want to be in the bathroom on the day-of scribbling on a piece of toilet paper.  This is going to take time, effort, and concentration.  Make sure you give yourself enough time to tackle this project.  Also, “winging it” isn’t an option.

3. Humor is not a requirement


If you’re not naturally funny, it’s fine.  Don’t feel like you have to insert jokes and humor into your speech for the sake of getting laughs.  However, if you are actually funny, feel free to throw some funny stuff in there.

4. Keep It Short

Your speech shouldn’t feel like a lecture.  Keep it short and sweet: 1 – 3 minutes is the sweet spot, anymore than 5 and you might start losing people. (27)

5. Make your speech accessible

Remember that your speech is meant to remember, honor, and wish the bride and groom well.  Don’t alienate other guests by including jokes only a select few people will understand.


6. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas

There are certain things that are off-limits when it comes to your speech.  You want to steer clear of embarrassing stories, past boyfriends, self-deprecating remarks, or making fun of anyone (even if it’s in the nicest way!).


7. Follow the formula

  • Introduce yourself – your name, how you know the happy couple, and thank them for asking you to be part of their special day
  • Share a memory – tell a story about the bride and groom that encompasses their love, but also their individuality.  You can also add a sentence or two about the bride and groom individually.  For example: Lauren and Bryan, I love you both.  Lauren, not just for being one of my best friends that I could always count on, but for never judging how terribly I sang the hits of the 90s on late-night drives to the diner.  And Bryan, I love you for not only being the perfect match for Lauren, but for being a friend to me too.  You didn’t have to help me move, but you wanted to, which is one of the many reasons Lauren loves you.
  • Wish them well – Give advice to the happy couple, wish them well on their journey, or read a quote you think embodies their relationship.
  • Wrap it up – Ask everyone to join you in toasting to the happy couple

Here’s to you!